What is Hamas?

You hear the word "Hamas" and you instantly think of the terrorist organization in Gaza. These terrorists are appropriately named because "Hamas" is a Hebrew word that appears 60 times in the Old Testament. It is most often translated as "violence" but can also be translated as "wrong", "false", "damage", "cruelty", "unrighteous", "injustice", or "oppressor".

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Geeks in a Galaxy Far Far Away

I love Star Wars. It's one of the earliest movies that I remember watching. I have this tiny VHS television in my room that's almost as old as I am and I used to watch the Special Edition VHS all the time on it. I have read lots of what is now called Legends--both comics and novels--and my favorite videogames include KOTOR, KOTOR, SWTOR, and Dark Forces: Jedi Academy. 

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The Experience Wall

In Douglas Adams “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series there is a device called a “Somebody Else’s Problem Field” which works like a cloaking device except that instead of making something invisible, it makes anyone who looks at it think that the object in question is Somebody Else’s Problem and thus they ignore it as if were actually invisible. This bit of humor contains a kernel of truth in that we often ignore people and things that we do not consider to be “our problem” and one of the oldest and most well-known examples of this tendency comes from the Parable of the Good Samaritan wherein a priest and a Levite both ignore the robbery victim because they do not perceive him as being “their problem”.

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Who Am I?

My name is Benjamin Lee Johnson and this is my blog, Geeking For Christ, where I share my experiences as a Christian Geek.

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